Tuesday, November 21, 2023

October Selfies

 Sometimes I take too many selfies and I'm kind of embarrassed about it. But not embarrassed enough to not do monthly blog posts about them. πŸ˜† I am, however, resolved to take fewer selfies going forward. I'm not a teenager--and thank goodness selfies and cell phones and social media weren't around when I was!

I'm mourning the loss of these sunglasses. I lost them yesterday. 😎😭

Sam was not flipping the bird, but was pretending to. 😈

"Let yourself bloom" 😊 I'm trying to!

Makeup-free (mostly) and wearing my fall owls shirt.

I recently updated my Facebook profile picture for the first time in over a year and I made it this one because I like it. I feel like it accurately captures the way I look and feel on a day-to-day basis. I just wish the Halloween bowl weren't in the background; it's distracting from my beauty. πŸ˜‚