Much to my delight, I've been enjoying some Briar Rose/Snow White moments in the woods recently. I discovered the sweetest deer on one of my walks in the woods last month! She didn't run away and she had a sweet, gentle, chill spirit about her. She was a rarity among deer 😄, and she made my day!
Do you see her?
She's ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille. 😉
I got a vertical shot, too. (No, not that kind of shot. Never!)
Isn't she pretty?
Why thank you! 😆
When I walked by again a few minutes later from a different place on the path, she was still there. I spotted her through the trees.
I attempted a couple of selfies with my deer friend. She came out better than I did.
She was so chill, just meandering along without a care in the world. So unusual for a deer when a human is nearby!
Then, a couple of weeks later, I saw a deer in the same woods again who wasn't afraid. I think it was the same one, but I can't be sure. The relaxed personality leads me to believe that it was.
Selfie time again!
And this was yet a different day. This encounter left me a little worried. I'm not sure if this was her or not, but again, due to personality, I think it may have been. She had discoloration on her body that I hope was dried mud and not sickness. I've been kind of worried about her since then.
Why the discoloration? I hope she's okay. I love having a deer friend, or friends, on my walks in the woods.
On a related note, unbeknownst to me, there had been a storm that caused some destruction in these peaceful, beautiful woods. I was surprised by the extent of it!
This picture doesn't do it justice, but this is a HUGE long tree that had come down.
I'm about to go out now for another walk in these woods. Most of the time, I do see a deer, but only sometimes do I see the sweet, chill one who doesn't run away from me. She's my deer dear friend! 😉