Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration en septiembre

There was much of all three of the above to be had in September. I mean, septiembre. 😊

Faith is why I'm still happy and at peace despite the difficult circumstances I've been living with for the past few years. 🤍


Just do it!

A pretty accurate assessment of fishing 😆

A beautiful quote from Louisa May...

Instead of getting a flu shot, I prefer to take care of myself with natural methods like these.

This is great advice for living a well-lived life.

Oftentimes the advice given to children is the clearest and most straightforward advice of all.
I remain convinced that President Nelson is preparing world and in particular the Lord's covenant people, the Latter-day Saints, for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which I believe is going to happen in the next few years. I think it's much closer than many people realize. I'm going to be ready for it with my lamp full of oil and wearing my wedding garment (← that link is to an amazing talk that is more evidence to me that we are being prepared for the Savior's Second Coming). 

This is an important reminder as I prepare to downsize to a smaller and less fancy house next year. 
It's what goes on inside the walls of a home and in the hearts of those who live there that really matters. 

This is so true 😂
I don't like seeing myself on checkout cameras; I always look bad in them. 🙈

Essentialism 101

"...what pursuit in life is more significant than raising your child?" 

Ha ha

Some good habits for a good life...

This is me 😂

Along with faith, gratitude is another thing that helps me to be happy even when life is hard.

"Thankfully, we all have access to hope and can choose hopefulness as our prevailing approach to life."
"An optimistic outlook empowers you to live above your circumstances...make a daily choice to look for the good in life, even amid difficult circumstances."
Hope, optimism, faith, and gratitude = the secret sauce to being happy in life 😊

I read an interesting article about water and how it's soft and pliable but also unsurpassably strong and powerful. I've been thinking about this and how it applies to life (including the best way to clean dirty pans 😄) ever since.
