Friday, December 20, 2019

April 2019 Randoms

A big, mostly healthy snack for Sam. Or it may have been lunch, I don't remember.

One outside, one in. They look like they want to switch places.

True love 💘

I love this pin! 

This is one of my favorite Benjamin Franklin quotes.

Yummy lunch 😋

"Blooming Books." I love it!

I'm a Bear den leader for Cub Scouts in my ward. I was apprehensive about teaching six 9-year-old boys how to use pocketknives and how to whittle, but all went well. No blood was shed.

They whittled their own wands out of sticks.

I took this picture from my car while waiting at the middle school to pick up John from track practice or his trombone lesson. The Boston Marathon was a few days away and the athletes' village was being set up. 

Inspiring words.

We celebrated the April birthdays in the family at my mom's house (there are three of them - my brother Ben's, my dad's, and my niece Hayley's). 

A new Lego project for Sam and my dad, but mostly it was Sam doing it for my dad (it was an old set of my dad's that was a WWI plane). 
Note the Lego rollercoaster in the back -- that was my dad's gift to Sam for Christmas.

I got this nice fire pit set for the backyard at BJ's. I'd been wanting to get a good fire pit set for years. It took two trips to get it home and I hired a handyman to put it all together. 

More of Sam's handiwork. He was learning about fractions at school and he liked them. Like his father, he enjoys math and it comes pretty easily to him (unlike his mother).

John is in this group somewhere on the right. He auditioned for the district band and made it! It was made up of students from schools in the area who rehearsed together a few times with a conductor of note and then had a concert. John is good at trombone and I'm so glad he's kept up with it.

A blurry quickly-shot picture from when we went to see Avengers Endgame

Yup, it's true.

This mirrors our experience with Fortnite. I'm not opposed to the game for these reasons. Plus it's not bloody and gruesome. It's been great for the boys for staying in touch with their old friends from Iowa and has helped them make new friends in Massachusetts.
The only thing that's different is I haven't played the game with them. I have no interest in doing so!