Friday, December 20, 2019

Springtime Around the Yard

It was nice to experience our first spring at our new house and see what bloomed up and what the scenery was going to be like. I missed the familiar spring scenery of our Iowa house, but this was pretty too, and it got even better in May. These pictures are from last April when buds first appeared and then started to bloom.

At the beginning of the month:

By month's end:

Plus a pretty little group of yellow daffodils!

There was a beautiful lone tulip that popped up.

A spring-studded sunset

Sunset stripes seen through the big window at the front of our house from upstairs:

And spring wouldn't be complete without sunlight after rain.

I get lots of pretty pictures of the side of the neighbor-across-the-street's house, that's for sure! 😄

This post was refreshing to put together since today it is frigidly cold outside and tomorrow is the first day of winter. But then comes beautiful spring!