Thursday, October 17, 2019

Where the Light Comes In

The title of this blog post sounds like a pretty good title for a book, if you ask me. But alas, it's about how the sunlight shines into my living room/dining room at a certain time of the day. Almost as good as a book, if you ask me! 😉


I'd like to take a moment to express my love and appreciation for Boo Boo once again by including these two cute pictures of him from last December...

Paws crossed, what a lady! Not.

Also, on a somewhat related note, here's the dining room table all set for a holiday feast. I like having a separate dining room table again like we used to have in Connecticut. That's something we didn't have in Iowa that I always missed.  

I'll end this post where I started, with that fabulous morning sunlight shining in once again.
