Our yard in Iowa was one of the reasons we chose the house we bought. The property was ideally situated at the bottom of a long cul-de-sac and it was almost completely bordered by fields and woods. It was one of the first houses in the neighborhood to be built and it got the prime spot. The backyard especially had so much space and privacy and there were beautiful blooming flowers and trees throughout the year, but especially in the spring. Our last full month there was in May when the yard tends to be at its very best. It felt like it was saying to me, "Are you really going to leave me? Really?" Sadly, the answer was yes.
Prepare for yard pictures overload! And in the interest of being a good editor, I deleted a lot of them!
The bright green sweep of the backyard

"Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa!" (from Field of Dreams)
In the front yard overlooking the field on the left side of the house
I took this picture at the very back of the backyard, looking toward the house (stating the obvious).
When we moved here in the summer of 2010, Sam was only ten months old and I remember him crawling around in the grass in the backyard on his chubby little legs and arms, and John was my cute little soon-to-be kindergartener who'd run and play around him. How much they grew in eight years, and how much they played in this yard as they grew!
This was one of my favorite views from the backyard looking into the side field.
We had the swingset and big sandbox put in in the summer of 2011. It was totally worth it! It got used A LOT!
More clean green sweeps of lawn 😍