Pretty new notebooks
Babydoll in the morning
One of my favorite things about fall is the return of hot cocoa!
Babydoll again. He's so cute!
My horoscope. This would be a good thing to apply to social media and even (maybe especially) my blog!
Bas Bleu catalog covers that I liked

I daydream about doing this, but it never happens. 😢 I must change that!

A bed set that I saw and liked at Bed Bath & Beyond. Gold polka dots were my thing last year. They still are this year, too. They're a classic!

This power car that the boys had for years was on its last legs, so I gave it away. Thanks for all the fun you provided my boys and their friends, little car!
I ordered this online somewhere. I like it for the cold weather months.
When my mom was visiting we went to Dillard's to shop for a formal dress for a wedding she was going to be attending, and I was pleased to come across some pretty, modest dresses.
This dress would be perfect if it had longer sleeves (I don't like super-short sleeves because I think they're unflattering on most people, myself included).
I liked this dress so much that I almost bought it. I kind of wish I had. I don't know where I would've worn it, but it would have been good to have in my wardrobe when the right opportunity presented itself!
I bought a wedding card for my cousin who was getting married (which was the wedding my mom was shopping for a dress for) and I thought it had great marriage advice on it.

I love it when I find a card that's just right. Especially because I don't enjoy shopping for cards at all--there are so many choices and I find it overwhelming.
I saw this in The Wall Street Journal and found it illuminating. While not perfectly representative of me personally, this sums up rather well why I decided several years ago to become a registered Republican instead of the Independent that I'd been for years.
"Cheap sex and the decline of marriage"--exactly. The WSJ hits the nail on the head again.

And The WSJ gets one more gold star for having a front-page story that was written by a friend of mine from college!

Sam was learning to dive at his swim lessons last fall. After many belly-flops over the months, he finally got it last spring, and now he dives like a little champ!
A pretty fall table at the hotel where Sam's swim lessons were at. I took the boys to private lessons there for years and they're both strong swimmers now thanks to those lessons.

I saw these adorable Disney figures at the Hallmark store at the mall and wanted to get so many of them! But I suppressed the urge and took pictures instead.
I wish I'd gotten this one of Belle and the Beast.

Belle is my favorite Disney princess. I wish I'd gotten this one of her in the gown, too.
A sweet moment between Peter and John.
One of my last trips to Wilson's Apple Orchard. It was a gray, rainy, chilly day, perfect for their delicious hot apple turnovers and hot apple cider!