Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October 2017 Randoms

John and one of his best friends Isaac playing outside on a mild October day.

I saw this musical Ursula snowglobe at Walgreen's and had to have it. Ursula is my favorite Disney villain. She's hilarious! 

Sam got really mad one day and in a fit of rage cut all of his money in half. 😲

One of my favorite healthy vegetarian lunches--fried eggs (overhard) and stir-fry veggies.

Our side yard and the field next to our house. I miss this!

I cleaned out our marker collection and tested each one to see if it worked or if it had dried out. 

The kitchen faucet decided to dress up as a mustachioed man for Halloween.

These were my favorite boots that I'd had for about ten years. I finally gave them away because the leather was cracking and peeling so much, but I had to take pictures of them first before I said goodbye. These boots carried me many places over the years, and they were comfortable and cute to boot (ha ha).

This was a cute pair of summer sandals that I bought years ago and for some reason wore only once or twice at the most. I consigned them and at least got a little money back for them. I have the same pair in navy and I kept those because I do wear them (a little) more often. 

Peter and I went to a Joshua Bell concert at Hancher. After hearing his beautiful violin music for so many years it was neat to watch him play it!

We weren't supposed to take pictures but I covertly snapped a couple anyway.