Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Phone pics from last summer on the Cape!

Taking the plunge...

John tripped and fell as he and Sam ran into the water. We all LOL'd.

At one of our favorite places, the Cape Cod Inflatable Park, which isn't far from our house, where the boys play on their own on acres of inflatables for hours while I relax and read a book or magazine and sip frosted lemonade in the shade of our umbrella-topped table. We all have our reasons for loving this place! 

Sam thought about going down this big water slide.
There he is, considering it...

 John tried his best to encourage him to take the plunge, but Sam remained unconvinced.  
He didn't go down it on this particular day, but he did go down it soon after that, and he loved it!

John the Fearless loved it too, of course. 

We like this restaurant and we eat here at least once or twice every summer.

This is the most popular mini-golf course on the Cape and luckily for us, it's not far from our house. It's usually very crowded but one of the benefits of living on the Cape in the summer is that you figure out when the best times to go to the popular places are and you go then. 

 Note the glorious lack of crowds!

I spy a spelling error...

YES. It's so easy!

John had flung something up on the roof of the house and so up he went to get it. As you can imagine, he didn't mind. And fortunately he didn't take a flying leap to get down.

I think this saying is so cute, and it's definitely true for a homebody like me.

Peter and I went out for a nice dinner one evening and then we went to one of our favorite places to watch the sun set over the water.



(A stranger, and a beautiful view)

 The two wooden rocking chairs I bought for the front porch in 2014 didn't even end up lasting for two years. 
So cheap! I found more durable replacements for a very good price at K-Mart!

More to come tomorrow...