Wednesday, May 3, 2017

More phone pics from last summer in Massachusetts

A store that I like in a place that I like.

John and his hero, Tom Brady.

A yummy summery dessert from The Brazilian Grill in Hyannis.
This is one of the best and most unique restaurants you will ever eat at, guaranteed.

My baby doll at the beach.

We spent the first half of our 4th of July here.
 More pictures of this cool place to (perhaps) follow in another post (pictures that I took with my real camera that are in another picture file on the computer). 

I like this see-through shelf that's built into the wall between the kitchen and living room. 
It opens the rooms up to each other more and it's the perfect place for knick-knacks.

The boys get to share a bed when we stay at Grandma's house. So sweet!

As you can see, John was entranced by the coverage of the party conventions. LOL.

I know it doesn't seem like much, but this was a very good hair day for me.
I'll take my successes wherever I can get them!

Beautiful cupcakes galore!

Pretty scenery at "our beach" (the beach that's in walking distance of our house)

More summery goodness headed your way tomorrow!
(Change of plans due to Star Wars Day!)