Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Pretty Flowers, Pretty Sunset

 Zinnias are such cheerful, happy, colorful flowers! I couldn't resist buying a bouquet of them from Outpost Farm a couple of weeks after I moved in. They were the first flowers in my new house.

Meredith gave me and Sharalyn flower bouquets for our twin birthdays a few weeks early when we met for lunch. 

It wasn't a good summer for hydrangeas in New England (for the first time they didn't bloom at the Cape house!), so it was nice to have these ones in the arrangement.

I saw my first pretty sunset at the new place too. My new neighborhood has a bigger, more open view of the sky, and because of that, sunsets are even better here than they were in my old neighborhood.

I really like the dark row of trees in the background and how the sky colors shine through them. What a great contrast!

I'm thankful to be able to experience pretty flowers and pretty sunsets in my life. And to have a comfortable, cozy home of my own from which to experience them!