Thursday, November 11, 2021

Cape Randoms 2021

 I organized the pots and pans. Again. One of the pitfalls of renting the house out is that people don't keep things perfectly organized the way that I want. Is that so unreasonable? 😉

Normally I use the food cabinet more but since we were only there for a week I left a lot of the week's food lining the counter.

Sitting barefoot in the car

I treated myself to a nice pedicure at my favorite nail place.

My feet and calves got wrapped in warm towels and it felt divine.

The pretty results!

Sam enjoyed his day of stand-up paddleboarding at camp, but he was SO SORE the next day, which was my birthday, which is mostly why he was in such a bad mood that day!

I like the shop at the Cape Cod Lavender Farm. While the farm itself is a little underwhelming, their products at the shop are wonderful.

Watching the Olympics

Magical 42, and my last day being 40.

There was a pretty sunset one evening.

The sun was setting on age 40, thank goodness. It was the hardest year of my life. So far 41 has been better **knock on wood** and like I said yesterday, I have high hopes for 42 **knock even harder on wood** which will be my first year fully on my own.