Friday, October 30, 2020

Sam's 11th Birthday

 Sam turned 11 last month! (No more 10 and under kids for me! 😭) We had a small family party to celebrate.

I think birthday number balloons are so fun! They're great for pictures.

I took exactly one picture of present-opening, and didn't even get my mom's whole head in it. Fail!

We didn't do a fun cake this year because Sam didn't care and he wanted an ice cream cake anyway. So I got the ice cream cake and a little cupcake cake (which was pretty pathetic looking--and tasting 😕).

Hayley took this cute picture of him once the candles were lit.

🎝 The thrill of being sung to! 🎜

His gifts from family had exactly two themes: Roblox gift cards and chocolate!

His actual birthday was the next day, a Sunday, and we enjoyed a fun and peaceful day at home with just us.The night before I set out his presents, like I always do. 

Sam was thrilled with the chair in the morning. I was thrilled with how funny it was that he looked like he had devil horns when he sat in it at a certain angle!

He decided to replace the piano bench with the chair that day. I don't blame him!

And of course he sat in it to actually game, too. We kept it downstairs for the day until bringing it up to his desk that evening.

Opening presents from us, with assistance from John. 😅

He got a green screen (because he's a YouTuber and all).

His other big gift besides the chair was a gaming laptop. Peter channeled his former ITA days at Penn and got it all set up. (ITA=Information Technology Adviser. It was his work-study job when we met.)

The boys tussled in a classic wrestling match in which miraculously no one got hurt or angry.

The birthday person always gets to pick the dinner for their big day, and Sam chose turkey pot pie. It was a fun weekend for our now 11-year-old birthday boy!