Friday, November 2, 2018

Five Things for Friday

1. Quick Halloween re-cap: it was a success! The weather was good, the kids were happy and had a good time trick-or-treating with their friends, and I had more than enough candy to give out. I knew this was a popular neighborhood for trick-or-treating so I wanted to be prepared. It was good to meet some new neighbors too and to have them get a look at the new lady of the house. 🙋
Also, at John's school yesterday, the students could bring in a bag of candy to donate, so John did that and was entered into a drawing for an Amazon Fire. And guess what? His name got picked and he won it!! 🙌 

2. Overall, October was a good month. I was determined to be more organized and get my act together better than I'd done since the move this summer. I deemed it "Organized October" and although it kind of fell apart in the latter half of the month, I was still able to get a lot done. I find it personally satisfying to make a list of one's accomplishments, and here were some of mine in October:
  • I finally finished hanging up pictures throughout the house
  • I cleaned out and organized the garage
  • I finally got the guy to come out and shut down our sprinkler system for winter and help me with turning off all of the outside water (something I'd been stressing out about, imagining bursting water pipes all around the yard--there were some cold nights in October!) (If you're wondering where Peter was in all this, he's literally home for less than two days a week, so I'm pretty much on my own right now with the business of the house!) 
  • I hired our lawncare company to do the snowplowing this winter. I'm so relieved to have that task delegated. Massachusetts tends to get a lot of snow. Now that I've hired out the plowing, I say, BRING IT!!
  • I bought a new couch for the basement rec room and a desk for Sam's room (but neither of them will be delivered until December)
  • I found doctors for Peter and I, got our records transferred, and scheduled appointments for us 
  • I found a dentist for all of us, got the records transferred, and scheduled appointments 
  • I found a good massage place with a good therapist and got a great massage (but I still really miss Jerri at Peaceful Nature 😢)
  • I found a good facial studio here in town (right near where I used to live!) and got a wonderful facial. She said I have beautiful skin that looks and feels years younger than it is, and that she could tell I take really good care of it. I thought to myself, when you have hair woes like I have, you make sure to take great care of your skin. At least I have a lot better control of that!
  • I went to the temple
  • I read three books (Crocodile on the Sandbank and The Angry Tide were great; Little Fires Everywhere was not)

So overall, it was a productive and fairly well-organized October.
Now that my dad has left to return to Utah (he was here for six weeks) it will be easier to focus and get things done. Some projects for November are getting started on organizing the basement storage room (I can't even tell you how much work that's going to be), starting a regular exercise routine again, and for the first time ever, hosting Thanksgiving for my family!

3. I've decided to do a monthly 10-day fast from social media because I think it's good for me.
Thank you for the inspiration, President Nelson!

4. I'm glad The Conners on ABC is happening and that the show was saved after the controversy with Roseanne happened in the spring. I think most of the humor is funny, especially from Becky, Darlene, and Aunt Jackie. But the show isn't as good without Roseanne. Her absence is definitely felt and can't really be filled in. I still wish they'd let her come back, but it would be pretty hard at this point because lots of people would freak out and protest. Not to mention, her character was killed off. What a disappointing end to an enduringly popular character and show.

5. Yesterday, I voted early ✔ at my old town hall on Main Street. I love living in my hometown again!