Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Daily Sunrise Motivation

I read the book 21 Days Closer to Christ by Emily Freeman last month and I found it very inspiring. It ended with this simple but profound challenge that I've been trying to remember at the start of each new day: 
"Consider the rising of the sun every morning as a personal invitation to make the most of each new day--an invitation to know and recognize the hand of the Lord in you life--an invitation to come and see, to continue the personal journey that will bring you closer to Christ. Respond, if you please."

What a meaningful way to start each day and to have that perspective as you go about your day. Even on the bad days (especially on the bad days!). As I've sought to become closer to Jesus Christ over the last year, my feelings of happiness and inner peace have increased, and my spirituality and understanding of things that really matter have both deepened. I truly believe that staying close to Christ on a daily basis is one of the secrets to living a fulfilling life of peace and happiness.