1. Hand lotion. My hands would turn into crusty dry appendages without several daily applications of hand lotion, especially in the winter.
2. My Highlander. I love it!

3. History. There are few things I enjoy learning about, reading about, and thinking about more than history! My favorite is American history.
4. Halloween. It's such a fun, simple, stress-free holiday!
5. Hayley, my 16-year-old niece. She was the cutest little girl and I loved babysitting her when she was young. Now she's a beautiful junior in high school and she lives about 90 minutes away, up in Massachusetts. I wish we lived closer so that we could see each other more often (and so that she could babysit John!).
Hayley at our family dinner at The Olive Garden last Saturday.
6. Hiking. It's one of my favorite forms of recreation and exercise. I went on a beautiful hike in the fall and I really, really enjoyed it. My legs are made for hiking! I need to get out and do it more.
7. Hopkinton, Massachusetts, my hometown, located 25 miles west of Boston. My mother's family has been there for generations, and my ancestors were among the early settlers there. Brigham Young's family lived there just before he was born, and they sold their land to my ancestors when they moved.
8. Hamburgers. I love a good hamburger, whether it's from a fast-food restaurant or a a nice thick juicy one from a summer barbecue. Yum!
9. Huckleberry Finn. He's one of my favorite fictional characters, and the book has been at the top of my favorites list ever since I first read it. I didn't think I'd like it very much, but I was wrong. What an inspiring, brilliant book!
10. Handel's Messiah. It's one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. When I took a music class in college and studied this piece, I read that Handel said he wrote it under divine influence, that it was inspired by God. It sure sounds like it!
And one more, because I like a surprisingly high number of things that begin with "H": Highlights. They help my hair look much better, particularly in the winter when my natural blond color goes dark and limp.
Oh, oh, just one more! I'm on a roll! Hershey, Pennsylvania. It's one of my most favorite vacation spots ever. I loved it there when we went a few years ago--the beautiful, elegant Hotel Hershey and its amazing Spa, Hershey Park (a big, fun amusement park), lots of history, lots of chocolate, all nestled in the beautiful rolling countryside of Pennsylvania.