Monday, June 3, 2024

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration in April

 This doesn't apply as much once they get older, but it's definitely relatable when the kids are younger!

Although she is much richer and more beautiful than me, Gisele Bundchen and I are the same age, we both lived in metro Boston at the same time, we both had two children, and we both went through a divorce at the same time (although hers didn't take nearly as long as mine did). Overall, I admire her and relate to many of her philosophies, like the one below about positivity and gratitude. 


I've always thought this about people's books.

This is true

We all know he did it. I'm glad that justice has finally been served. 


Mormon was an editor of sorts. As an editor myself, I aspire to follow in his footsteps (in more ways than one!).

Speaking of Book of Mormon prophets, I taught a Sunday School class about Enos last month and felt particularly inspired by his example of faith and prayer. Hopefully, the class did, too. πŸ˜…

This is slightly cynical, but there is some truth to it.  
I'm open to dating and a romantic relationship and would welcome a good man into my life, but it's been so good to be free from relationship drama and trauma over the last year. I endured enough of that during the last few years of my marriage to last a lifetime. But I also recognize that a good, healthy relationship offers many more positives than negatives, with minimal drama and trauma involved.

Somewhat related...

I enjoyed this article in The Wall Street Journal. I've always been into time management, productivity, and efficiency.
I do my best work in the mornings and have the most energy and motivation then, so that's when I schedule things like work and housework, when possible. 

This was a good reminder with the cruise coming up. It's true, too!


I texted this to Sam because he jokes about "furries" (which are completely ridiculous, BTW).

Breathing techniques work!