Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Boston Marathon Starts in My Town!

 The Boston Marathon was an especially cool one this year for me personally, mostly for two reasons:
1) It was the 100th anniversary of it starting in my town.
2) I now live near the race route after moving to my new place last summer, so for the first time in many years, I got to watch the runners go by! That was really fun and a cool blast from the past.

Two days before the Marathon, it was cool and wet out. Sam and I had to run an errand downtown that day, and while we were there, we walked over to the Common and took part in some of the festivities.

This was the view driving up Main Street from our neighborhood and going over the start line.

There were white gates galore all over the place!

This big sign was a great photo-opp, and it was at the library, which is where I work as a substitute!

The aforementioned library and more of the white gates galore. πŸ˜„

I really liked the artistic winged feet that were on display on the Common. Many of them paid tribute to the 100th anniversary of the race's start in Hopkinton.

This shoelaces one was pretty cool!

I bought a commemorative cowbell at the Common. Two days later, I used it to cheer on the runners!

Unlike two days prior, Marathon Monday was bright, clear, and mild. It actually got a little too warm for the runners' comfort later in the day! Sam and I walked down to Main Street from our house in less than ten minutes. I really like living near the route again, as I did when I was growing up.

We had a good view! We were around a mile down from the start line. Only about 25 more miles to go for the runners!

The first few waves were runners with disabilities, the wheelchairs, and the elite groups, so they were pretty small.

I always find the wheelchair runners to be particularly inspiring.

Next group, incoming! 

Some of the elite women...


And then the big waves of runners went, and it was a literal flood of runners for a few hours after that. Over 30,000 people ran the Marathon this year!

Filling in more...

And more!

It was so fun to cheer them all on and ring my cowbell for them! It's so great for building community.

There was a runner who ran carrying the American flag the whole way! Now that's a patriot!

All those runners--it was the coolest!

This was the view of my viewing spot as I started walking home. I didn't stay for the whole thing, but I was there for at least a good 90 minutes.

I got a blister on my pointer finger from ringing the cowbell so much! I think that earned me the title of "super fan." πŸ™Œ

That evening I made my first Instagram Reel using video I took of the wave of runners. I set it to the Chariots of Fire music. It was pretty awesome if I do say so myself! 😁

It was such a fun day! It's the most fun I've had with the Marathon since moving back here in 2018. I'm already looking forward to it again next year!