Monday, August 7, 2023

The Boys in June

 June was a very busy month with John's graduation and with us moving to a new house, but we still had regular moments of life amidst the changes and busy-ness.

This couch is so great for naps!

John hijacked Sam's bedtime

Last day of school picture (which to be honest was taken after the last day of school!). Sam would only offer the smallest of smiles.  


I ordered a new cookbook at Sam's request from a guy on YouTube who he watches. The first recipe we made was Maple + Lemon Bacon because bacon is one of Sam's favorite foods. I don't make it very much since it's not that good for you, but it's nice to have for a special treat. It was delicious!

Playing counter ping-pong for the last time in our seatless, table-less kitchen!

Sam loves ping-pong, and he's good at it.

John and his best friends from church went camping on the Cape together. John doesn't share much with me so this is the only picture I saw, and it was one of those quick Facebook Stories pictures that Conner posted that I happened to see!

Here are John and his friend Jack wrestling on our last Saturday in the house. They were wrestling partners and co-captains on the team. Don't let the picture fool you--Jack can beat John, too!

My dad ordained John to the Melchizedek priesthood in June. 
Our stake president (my former bishop who became my friend and ally during the darkest times of the divorce, and the father of one of John's best friends) was also part of the ordination. There was a special and memorable feeling in the room during the ordination. I'm excited about John's progress in the gospel. He might be leaving for his mission at this time in a year.

Another day, another nap on the couch. Note the missing things in this picture as opposed to the first pictures in this post. Moving Day was only a few days away!

This was Sam's last time in the house before the movers arrived to empty it out a couple of days later. 

John and Sam handled the move really well, which was especially impressive to me since we were leaving a big, fancy house to go to a much smaller and less fancy house. They had a long time to get used to it, and I'm proud of them for managing it so well. We had five good years in this house, although they were also difficult years because of Covid, Peter leaving, and a long, drawn-out, very difficult divorce. But it was still our home, and we had many happy memories here. It will always be a special place to us.