Monday, June 19, 2023


 I'm guilty of blog neglect this month because life has been so crazy-busy with John's graduation and party and getting ready to move and many other things in between. Somehow though, my blog stats have gone way up and I'm at over 10,000 hits so far this month, which is quite a bit higher than usual. I guess my readership goes up the less I write, ha ha! 

I'm moving next week! In nine days to be exact! There's still so much to do, but I'm going to try to squeeze in a few blog posts this week. I'm worried that I won't be able to access my blog for awhile with the move, and I'm also getting a new computer because my current one is around thirteen years old and is dying. I'm concerned that I won't be able to get all of my files and things transferred to my new computer because I don't know how to do that, but hopefully I'll figure it out. I'm planning on hiring a business to come help me with it after I move, but I'll probably be offline for awhile with the blog until that happens.

But I digress! I'm nervous about the move but I'm also excited about it. It will be a fresh start in my new life as a single woman and mother. The divorce is final and legal this coming Sunday, and I move three days later. Things are falling into place. These are major life transitions and it's not always easy, but I feel at peace and happy, and I'm grateful that things are working out for the best for me. The Lord is on my side and continues to be with me through the ups and downs of this crazy but essential thing called life.