Monday, January 10, 2022

New Bedford Whaling Museum

 On a pretty mild fall day in early October I went to the New Bedford Whaling Museum with my friends Meredith, Sara, and Sue. I hadn't been there before nor had I been much (if at all) to New Bedford before, so it was an especially interesting and fun day trip. I always enjoy discovering new (to me) places in my home state. 

New Bedford is a historic, pretty town (in parts) and has some neat cobblestone streets. Although they look more like bricks, don't they?

The museum had good whale skeletons to look up at.

There are two separate skeletons here; do you see them? More on that below.

I didn't know that underneath their fins it looks like whales have hands!

This is the actual size of a whale's heart!

A noteworthy first--a picture with friends with a replica of a whale's heart behind us! πŸ˜„

Our tour guide was a fun little lady. This humpback would have easily swallowed her right up! 

There was a pair of mother and baby skeletons, which is kind of sad, but cool too.

A human skeleton for scale. Whales are the coolest; their skeletons look like dinosaurs!

This guy was really good at explaining how whale hunting and harpoons worked.

The view out to sea from the balcony of the museum.

"Whaler's Tavern"

There was a beautiful replica of a whaling ship that we got to go on.

How could we not? πŸ˜ƒ

Surreptitious momentary unmasking!

 A really cool violin with beautiful scrimshaw work.

"Feed Jane Fonda to the whales" πŸ˜†

Thanks to the auto-timer we took a fun selfie with this little cutie before we left.

After the museum we walked down the cobblestone/brick streets for a nice alfresco lunch at a place that was recommended by a worker at the museum.

Cute shops and restaurants! This is a really nice section of New Bedford. Possibly the only nice section of New Bedford. 😜 No offense, NB!

This is where we ate lunch.

I got salmon with a blueberry glaze and everything was muy delicioso.

We had a great time and it was a good way to start a new month! I'm grateful for friends, for history, for New England, for whales--the gentle giants of the ocean, and for good food!