Monday, August 23, 2021

Worcester Art Museum

 I enjoyed a fun trip to the Worcester Art Museum with my mom and my sister Jennifer on the Saturday of Mother's Day Weekend. I'd never been there before, and it didn't disappoint. The blend of historical artifacts and art was really good.

Look at that beautiful shade of green! How is it still that green after 2000 years?! It's from the Han Dynasty.

Of course I really like the Egyptian things.

The Greek things are fun too because Sam and I have been reading the Percy Jackson series and Greek mythology stories.

Off with the lady in the middle's head...

This jar is from the Athens area from around 500 B.C. It has Apollo, Artemis, and Hermes on it.

"Colossal female head" says the placard that goes with this one 😂

An owl!

Mary's expression in this painting cracks me up. 

Some really big weapons

The Last Supper

This was a cool room...

Pretty things in pretty colors

Jennifer and an ancient tile floor

"Thou shalt not touch" 

A super-old chest. Thou shalt not touch it!

A super-modern bench

These were some of my favorite paintings... 

I like how this sculpture captured the baby's chubby cheeks so well.

My mom works in a university library, so this photo opp was ideally apropos. 

More pretty things in pretty colors

And a few more paintings that I liked...
Check out those puffed sleeves! They might be too much even for Anne Shirley!

This dress is more my style...

Yes please

Longfellow and his daughter. Thank you Mr. Longfellow, for giving us The Wayside Inn.

Boston is indeed crooked and interesting.

It was a fun day at a neat place with two of my favorite people!