Thursday, April 22, 2021

Etsy Wins

 I made two good purchases for the house from Etsy last month...

 The first was a cute bunting banner that I wanted to get for filling up the empty space above the sliding glass door wall in the kitchen. I tried to make peace with that empty space for over two years, but I just couldn't do it. It was too blank and boring and blah. I was always glad when the Merry Christmas banner was up for December and the Happy Birthday banner was up for birthdays. But they couldn't stay up all year, obviously, so...bunting to the rescue! I picked one that was in nice neutral colors, and I'm very pleased with how it looks. The space is now effectively and attractively filled, ✔!

My other Etsy win was this adorable set of book letters that are made from real books for the office bookshelves.  

I know the picture isn't the best so I'll post some better ones in a few weeks with the book letters in action on their bookshelf. The seller was great and she made it easy and fun to pick the colors I wanted, and I even got to choose which books for her to use based on their cover patterns. She was super-quick about it all too. I'd definitely order from her again. Bonus, she was from Utah and I'm pretty sure she was LDS! Her Etsy shop is

It was Etsy for the double-win last month, brightening up my home in fun, easy ways!