Wednesday, February 24, 2021

January 2021 Randoms

January, January...

Sweet times with John, Shane (his cousin/my nephew), and Bentwood

I couldn't leave out my other nephew, Rocco!

The first-ever issue of the new worldwide church-wide Liahona magazine, replacing my beloved Ensign. But the Liahona will be beloved by me too. 😊

I thought this was funny, and very fitting (not necessarily size-wise, but times-wise. Ha ha.).

Things to Watch

This looks good! I want to be an archaeologist!

I watched both of these. I just finished All Creatures Great and Small last night. I loved it and I'm so glad that it's been renewed for a second season.  

This woman was the the Codebreaker. She was amazing! 


Another cool owl sighting happened in Central Park! 

"This week's visitor was believed to be the first documented sighting of a snowy owl in Central Park since 1890..."

From a mystery I read in January. The book wasn't great but I liked this part about owls!


Yes, I'm definitely a catalog person and I have been since high school. I have some time built into my schedule to go through the catalogs I get each week.

The Lands' End catalog is one of my favorites. I wear a puffer vest almost every day in the winter, usually my navy blue or black one. They really are my "vesties" 😄! 

Another catalog thing


I've developed an unlikely love affair with Egypt over the last couple of years, thanks in part to the Amelia Peabody books and also because of my love of history and an ever-increasing interest in archaeology. England is still my #1 destination, but sleeper hit Egypt is coming up hot on its heels! 

Once I pare down my to-read bookshelves, I want to get this book.

I want to do this so much!

Only $19K per person, no big deal 😬

Cruising down the Nile on a dahabeeyah...this would be a dream come true!

My blog views on January 6th (the day of the Capitol riot) exploded! I'm not sure what exactly attracted so many people that day. My guess is one of my pro-Trump or end-of-the-world posts? 😅 


Selfie trio

The boys enjoyed visiting a huge WWII battleship.

I thought this was funny. Good for this guy! 

I finally got all caught up on getting my blog books printed out. It cost a pretty penny, even with a 40% discount, but it's done!

I stopped listening to NPR last year because its coverage was so blatantly biased and I couldn't take it anymore. This is how I made my opinion known.

I came across this Thanksgiving "Skittles Sorting Mat" when I was going through things in the storage room. This was so cute. I miss the days when I had little kids who did things like this. I snapped a picture and then put it in the donate box. ::sob::

January was boring weather-wise until the very end of the month when a walloping good snowstorm was in the forecast. Finally! We were in the purple range and we ended up getting over a foot!