Thursday, September 24, 2020

Walks to Our Beach

 Sam wanted to go for a walk with me the day we went to the Cape in mid-July (which is when my vacation there officially started). He doesn't ask to do things like that very much so even though I was tired after a day of packing, driving, and unpacking, we did it, and I'm so glad that we did. First we walked to the ice cream place and got ice cream that we ate as we walked down to the beach. It was a nice evening with my babydoll. John was welcome to go too, but he much preferred staying at the house to play Fortnite with his friends (what a shock!).

Look at me rocking the fanny pack and Bermuda shorts. I totally look like a tourist. 😂


Walking home

Walking to the beach is one of our favorite things to do on Sunday evenings. It's so peaceful, right in keeping with the nature of the Sabbath Day.

Trying to get a good picture of both boys at the same time...

Got one!

We were also gifted that evening with a lovely sunset sky that I was able to get some nice pictures of. 😍

I love the Cape!