Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pooltime Fun

One of my favorite things about our new house is that it has a pool. Which is funny because in the past I never wanted a pool. I thought they were dangerous, expensive, and a pain to maintain, plus they take up valuable yard space. These are all valid points, but I'm finding that:

1) they're not nearly as dangerous once your kids are older and can swim well,

2) they are expensive, but--not to sound cheeky about it--if you can afford it by budgeting properly for it, then it's not really a problem (which is not to say that I'm not searching for ways to reduce our sky-high summer electric bills since it's a heated pool!),

3) I hired a pool company to do the majority of the maintenance work for it,

and 4) when the pool is landscaped nicely into the yard and there's still plenty of space for other things, then it doesn't feel like it's taking up important real estate in the yard. In fact, the pool is the prime real estate in the yard.

Problems solved!

It really is fun having a pool in the summertime. As much as I love the ocean beach, there are certain conveniences of having a backyard pool that can't be beat. 

So far, Sam is the one who uses it the most. He's a little fish!

The lush green summertime scenery around the pool warms my heart (literally, ha ha).

I can honestly say that having a pool is a cost of money and time that is totally worth it. 🙌 (Knock on wood!)

Going on this summer's bucket list: Have a few pool parties. Spend more time in and around the pool, including floating under the stars at night with the pool lights on. We also have a dream of getting a projector screen up and having pooltime movie nights. 😍 Also, adding a hot tub, someday, somehow, maybe, hopefully!