Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Beautiful Boston Public Garden

 Even though it's my hometown city, I don't go into Boston very much. I don't like driving into it, mostly because I have driving anxiety in cities. I find the layout of Boston to be confusing, whereas New York City and Philadelphia (my two favorite cities) are much more logical with their nicely organized grid system. I could go into Boston by train, but I don't know how to use it, which is something I really need to learn. Eventually, I plan to conquer my fear and drive in more. All that is to say that despite the obstacles, I do sometimes find myself in Boston, like at the end of April when I had an appointment there. I arrived early (via Uber) and had some time to wander around the nearby Boston Public Garden. I don't think I'd ever been there before. It's such a lovely spot, especially with the spring flowers. I was very pleased to unexpectedly find myself there!

It's a "popcorn popping" tree!

I especially loved the tulips. 😍

There are the famous swan boats! Someday, I'd like to do this; maybe if I ever get a boyfriend, we'll go on a romantic date on the swan boats. (He'll drive us there, of course. πŸ˜„) 

Parks (with water, no less) in the middle of cities are the coolest. Central Park is still my favorite, but Boston Public Garden is now a worthy, albeit much smaller, opponent. πŸ˜‰

I'm not sure who this statue is because of the fencing that was up around it, but I liked it.

It was a great way to spend some extra time in a lovely spot in a city that I like (not love (yet), but definitely like)!