Friday, March 1, 2024

Things I'm Looking Forward to in March

 But first a brief review of February, which started out kind of rough. I could quickly sense that freakin' February (lol) wasn't going to be as good as "joyful January" was. But I regained my footing after the first week or so and the month turned out pretty well overall. It gets a solid B, whereas the first third of the month I was pretty sure it would get a C at best. But it redeemed itself! These are some of February's successes and accomplishments, big and small:

My good friend Beth started coming to church with me every week. I love this, her, and the fact that I now have someone to sit with each week (Sam sometimes abandons me to sit with friends 😭).


A nice guy asked me for my number, and followed up (the crucial second step 😉). I don't really think it will go anywhere significant, but I do think I've made a new friend. Plus it's been good for my ego. 😄 


I cleaned out and reorganized the utility room at the Cape house. 🙌


I hosted a meeting over Google Meets for the Cape Cod Moms team. I was nervous about this because I've never done it before, but I'm also tired of getting nervous for things that really aren't that nerve-wracking, especially when you're prepared and ready for them, so I went into it with the right attitude. It went well and it was a big boost of confidence for me.


Speaking of work, I really enjoyed my work in February and had some good successes. Op-eds that I worked on with MWEG members about current legislative issues were published in newspapers in Utah and Nebraska, and I collaborated with very talented women there, including the executive co-director and a director and former professor.

For Cape Cod Moms, I understand what I'm doing a lot more now in my second month there. I really enjoy editing the articles that get published on the site and choosing what gets published when. It's fun learning about how a business like this works.

I started working on a writing assignment that I was hired to do for a local magazine that's launching this spring.

And I continue to enjoy working at the library, for the few times a month that I work there.

With all of this, I still work part-time, which is my preference. Eventually, I'm going to have to work more, but for now, it's fine. I have time to do the other things in life that matter to me, like taking care of my son who's still at home and having the time and bandwidth to take good care of my house(s) and myself, being an ordinance worker at the temple, going out with friends, etc. I'm in a good place in my life right now and am enjoying this season I'm currently in.


I got a new church calling. I'll be co-teaching the 16-17-year-old Sunday School class. I think teaching Primary will always be my favorite, but I've been wanting to try teaching youth Sunday School for awhile, so I'm happy about this. (Hopefully I'll stay happy about this. 😄)


And last but not least, I finally beat my brother Nathan at the game of Clue Master Detective!! This may be the greatest success of all. 😂


So long February; you turned out to be not so bad after all! Blog posts about it to come this month.

And now for the main purpose of this post: these are things I'm looking forward to in March! They're short and to the point!

John will turn 19, his last year in his teens! How did this happen!?

Speaking of John, he'll be home for a full week for Spring Break! We'll celebrate his birthday then.

Again speaking of John, he might get his mission call this month!

Being the interviewer (not the interviewee) for applicants for an editor position that MWEG is hiring for. This new hire will be reporting to me—I'll literally be a boss. 😅 I'm a little apprehensive about this but I'm also looking forward to it as a new growth opportunity in my career.

The arrival of spring and milder temperatures

Trump likely becoming the Republican nominee for president (I think this is a good thing and I'm excited for it)

Going to a show at a theater with friends
