Thursday, December 7, 2023

My Little Christmas Tree

 After twelve years of having a massive Christmas tree--real ones followed by a 10-foot tall artificial tree for the last three years--I'm learning to adjust to having a much smaller tree in my smaller house, a smaller house that still has fairly high ceilings, but nothing like my last two houses had. Back in July, Balsam Hill was having a good sale and I bought a pre-lit 6.5-foot tree to fulfill my Christmas dreams, wishes, and needs. 😁 I'd rather have a real tree but it's a little too complicated to do it on my own, so a nice artificial tree will suffice, and there are definite benefits to them anyway. (But real trees are still more magical and fragrant and I like them better!)

On Thanksgiving, I set up the new tree and it was quick and easy to do. A ladder or even a stepladder wasn't required, and it didn't take hours like my old tree did, because with the old tree I also had to string the lights around it, and that took awhile. I've been converted; pre-lit is the way to go! 

The spot awaits its tree...

I like the tree, but it's not 6.5 feet tall. I don't know how Balsam Hill can say that it is. I'm only a few inches shorter than the top of it and I'm 5'6 with my slippers on. So that seems like a bit of a gyp. It fills the space nicely--pretty perfectly actually--except for the height issue. Next year when I set it up I'll do it on a box which I'll then cover with the tree skirt and then it will be nice and tall(er). For now, though, I'm enjoying our pretty little tree (mysteriously shortened height and all).

This was right after I set it up. The branches have been fluffed out more since then so now it looks fuller than it does here.

Since it's a smaller tree, I had to be selective about the ornaments and couldn't use at least a third of them. Sam helped put them on. John was MIA for most of the week (because friends over family 😑), so he wasn't a contributor to the beauty of the tree this year. And he likely won't be for the next two years either, I just realized! 

(I'll take some better pictures of it this month!)