Monday, October 17, 2022

First Day of School 2022

 It was John's last first day of school; how did this happen?!? 😭

Here he was on the first day of kindergarten twelve years ago in 2010! 😭

There were two funny memes that fit my feelings perfectly:

I may only have less than a year left with John at home, but I've still got six more years with Sam. Phew!

Sam wouldn't let me brush and gel his hair nicely. The tussled look is apparently in, though it looks bad. πŸ˜†

From left to right: my nephews, Shane (5th grade), Rocco (8th grade), and of course my sons, Sam (7th grade) and John (12th grade). 


Off they go! 

And one more bonus--this was John when he got home from school on the first day of kindergarten. Baby Sam must have really enjoyed him starting school so that he could get a break from him for several hours a day! πŸ˜„