Friday, April 8, 2022

Wisdom, Humor, and Inspiration in January

This is an optimistic idea from Emerson and I like it, but some days are just bad days and there's no way they're the best of the year. But, I get what he meant and I appreciate the sentiment.  

This is one of the reasons that writing in a journal is so important! Time and thought can definitely make you forget or change certain details of what actually happened to you.

Forgiveness is of course good. There's also a lot of power in ignoring and relegating something to irrelevance in your life rather than stewing on it.

This is a great list.

Cute joke 😄

This was an interesting and helpful article.

The 2022 youth theme. I love these verses.

I liked this little verse in Psalms when I read it. I like to think of my steps being "ordered by the Lord" as I follow Him, remember Him, and honor Him in the choices that I make and in the way that I live my life. 

This was another helpful article.

These are two big screen rules in our house.

This too! Movie night is one of my favorite family traditions, and phones are not a part of it!

This is probably my favorite scripture verse ever. There is so much comfort, peace, and strength in it. It's the answer to every problem we will ever face in life. I repeat it to myself when I'm stressed out or upset, and sometimes I do a breathe in, breathe out meditation exercise with "doubt not, fear not." It really helps me during the stressful times in my life (of which there have been and continue to be (too!) many).

Me right now. Happy on my own, hopeful about finding love in the future, but happy and content either way.

2022 is turning out to be another year in which resilience is definitely needed, both in the world and in my life.

Simplify, simplify, simplify.

Two good quotes from Louisa May...


Don't bury your thoughts and emotions! It's better to sit with them and let yourself process them and get through it. It's not easy, but I've found that it's pretty dang effective over time. It's so much better than repression.


Yes! Never more needed than today.