Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Las Rosas de Mayo

Before I delve into my bouquet of beautiful May roses, half of the April ones were still going "pretty" strong!
Ha ha. 

The final two...

And now, on to my May roses. They started out wrapped up tight but soon bloomed beautifully. 

I was a little obsessed with how puffy this big white lacy rose was. It was my favorite. I would gently lower my face down into it and breathe in its sweet fragrance. It was good for my soul.

Sunshine on roses, one of my favorite things.

Also in May, I spotted these pale pink mini roses at BJ's. If my lovely May roses had turned out to be flops, I would have gotten a bouquet or two these instead. But fortunately they weren't flops so I contented myself by taking a couple of pictures of these little lovelies and brought them home with me that way. 😊