Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Summer Bucket List Evaluation

I did pretty well with my summer bucket list. I didn't do everything I wanted to do, but I came pretty close.

  • Go on a whale watch. ✔ (I went with Peter and the boys. Peter and John had never done one before. We saw one whale several times, an all-black humpback named Diablo. It was cool!)

  • Go on the haunted history walking tour in Barnstable with my sister who's never done it before. ✔ (We did this and had an AMAZING experience with it. It included a ghost-hunting investigation in the historic graveyard that's part of the walking tour. We split up into pairs or small groups and used digital voice recorders in the dark of night. When Elizabeth and I played our recorder back, we discovered that a spirit (of who we believe was a young girl) literally answered one of our questions. It was clear as day! We have the proof. Even the skeptics in our group were impressed. I guess my sixth sense was working pretty well that night!) 

  • Visit a psychic for fun. ✔ (She was very good, and her views aligned well with my religious views. I'll go back to see her again. A good psychic can be a legit secondary source of help in life!)

  • Get a pedicure. ✔ (It made my toenails look pretty in pink for weeks!)

  • Go to the Brewster Ladies Library book sale. ✔ (Brought home a nice big bag of books and a few DVDs.)

  • Go to a National Seashore beach (barring shark sightings). ✘ (This didn't happen and it wasn't because of shark sightings. It was more because of the freak tornado that hit in July, which took up precious days of our time, one of which we probably would have used to go to a National Seashore beach. I think a shark sighting would have been preferable than the tornado. Not a shark encounter, mind you, but a shark sighting way out in the distance would be kind of cool. It would be inconvenient, because then they'd shut down the beach, but I still would have preferred it over a tornado. Somewhere in here there's a sharknado reference swimming around but I'm tired so this will have to suffice. 🦈🌪)

  • Do yoga on the beach. At least once. ✔ (I did this with my mom and niece and we were led by my yoga-teacher sister Jennifer. It was a very peaceful and soothing way to start the day and I loved it.)

  • Swim in the ocean. Actually swim in the ocean. ✘ (I hung out in the water for longer than I usually do but I didn't break out into a freestyle swim. I wish I had. It's going back on next summer's bucket list.)

  • Spend a day in Chatham shopping and doing an island tour to see the seals. ✔ (They were both delightful!)

  • Find something cool to get from an antique shop. ✔ (I got a set of teacups from Queen Elizabeth's coronation.)

  • Read all of the books that I picked out for my summer reading list. ✘ (I'm disappointed that I didn't get all of my summer books read. I got to all of them except for two. Again, I blame the tornado and a few other things that cut into my precious reading time!)

  • Use my pool more. Especially with the kids. ✔ and ✘ (I did use the pool more than I did last summer, but still not as much as I'd envisioned. I've discovered that most of the time, I prefer being in the pool by myself or in the company of other adults rather than with my boys, who like to splash me, flip my float, etc. I have to be in the right mood for that and the vast majority of the time, I'm not. 😆)

P.S. Pictures of many of the above events to come sometime next year, probably in the spring!