Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sam's Baptism

Sam was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday, September 23rd, 2017. It was a warm, sunny, beautiful day, literally and figuratively!

On the drive there

We took some nice family photos (with Jesus Christ!) before the baptism.
These are actually some of my favorite photos of our family ever. This is what it's all about.

John gave a good talk about baptism. He did a great job.

With Peter's parents. 
I don't know why Sam does that weird bunny rabbit pose with his arms for pictures. 😂

With my parents after the baptism.

My good friend Melanie made a really nice cake for the refreshments. It said "I Will Follow God's Plan For Me."

There weren't a lot of people there to eat the cake because most of our close friends in the church had moved away (most notably the Woods, the Fishers, and the Bodilys). But our home teachers were there, and Sam's Primary teachers, and two members of the Stake Presidency with their wives (including the Stake President himself--Melanie's husband). It was a nice group and I was glad it wasn't a big crowd because those can be overwhelming and distracting (at least for me personally). 

For dinner that evening, Sam chose to go to one of his favorite restaurants, Red Lobster, followed by ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery.
It really was a lovely day for Sam and our family. I'm so thankful that my children have been baptized into the restored church of Jesus Christ and for all that that means for them in this life and the next. 💗💖