Monday, April 22, 2024

Out and About in March

 These were the outings of March...not the Ides of March, because outings are so much better than ides. ๐Ÿ˜†

Sam and I went over to my mom's house for dinner and to celebrate my nephew Rocco's 15th birthday. 

Sam and Shane horsing around. They still have fun together!

I went out to lunch with Sharalyn, Meredith, Christine, and Pat to celebrate Pat's birthday. It was good to see Pat again. We're no longer in the same ward and I don't see her very much anymore. (She was in my ward when I was growing up.)

The biggest outing of the month was on a very rainy Saturday to go to Worcester with a big group of church friends (plus Beth, who is an honorary church friend ๐Ÿ˜„). We saw Little Women and then went out to dinner. It was a lot of fun!

 I hadn't been to a musical in awhile so it was especially nice to see one again. I'd seen Little Women on Broadway twenty years ago when Sutton Foster was playing Jo, and she sang the most delightful song about Massachusetts. I enjoyed hearing that song again, even though it wasn't sung by Sutton this time!

And those were the picture-worthy outings of March! (There was also this one that got to have its own post!)