Thursday, January 4, 2024

Things I'm Looking Forward To!

 At the beginning of the year and in the post-holiday doldrums of January, I like to make a list of things I'm looking forward to in the year ahead as well as in the month of January. So without further ado, here are the lists!

Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2024

My first full year in a long time without having to deal with a lot of stress and adversity, like the heartbreaking and torturous uncertainty of a husband waffling between staying or leaving (he left), a long and brutal divorce process (it's done), an uncertain financial future (it's a lot more certain now), or having to move and find a new home. I'm really looking forward to having a full year (and future) of peace from these stressful life situations! 

Settling into my editing career more and more, and gaining more skills and experience along the way.

The solar eclipse in April. I also think it will be a herald of significant things to come.

Going on a Caribbean cruise with the boys as a late graduation trip for John. 

John going through the temple for his endowment. 🀍

John going on a mission! (Full disclosure, I'm excited but also anxious about this!)

The Summer Olympics in Paris.

Summer and off-season trips to Cape Cod.

Sam starting high school! (😱😭)

It's a presidential election year, and I predict that it's going to be an especially crazy one! I enjoy the whole spectacle because I'm nuts. 

My now-annual trip to Kripalu.

I really want to go to New York City to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular, my favorite Christmas show!

Things I'm Looking Forward to in January

A surprise 40th birthday party for one of my friends (not thrown by me, which makes me look forward to it even more πŸ˜†)

The new season of All Creatures Great and Small

The new season of Miss Scarlet and the Duke

The Iowa Caucuses (I still miss being there for them!) and the New Hampshire Primary

Going to the Cape for a couple of days

A bunch of good webinars I'm signed up for. I like webinars!

Seeing a local high school play with friends (The Wizard of Oz is so classic and fun!)

Getting a facial, massage, and (best of all) going to the temple

Yoga classes

Staying in to hibernate and read and watch movies and cozy stuff like that

My half-birthday!

Snow! And at least one good snowstorm! (I hope I don't jinx it but we might get one this Sunday!)