Monday, January 15, 2024

Lindsey Stirling Concert + Blasts From the Past

 Last month I temporarily overcame my prejudice against Rhode Island and took Sam, my mom, and myself (obviously πŸ˜„) down to Providence to go to a Lindsey Stirling concert. It was totally worth driving the wild streets of Providence to see her! 

The boys and I had been to one of her concerts years ago when we lived in Iowa and it was really entertaining. She's such a talented and entertaining violinist and she has a great personality and is so fun to watch. She puts on an excellent show, and I love her music. I listen to her Christmas CDs (yes, those are still a thing!) a lot in my car during the holiday season. The show didn't disappoint and if anything, it was even better than the last one we saw. And dang, that girl can move! She's in fantastic shape! And for the last bit of fangirling on my part, and this is perhaps the best thing about her: she's a member of the Church and she shares her testimony of Jesus Christ in a nice, natural way in her concert. She's the complete package! 

The Providence Performing Arts Center is very nice. (Score one for Providence!) 

This is when she was performing "Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy," which is one of my favorite songs of hers.

That was the only picture I took during the show because you're not supposed to take pictures, but I had to snap one of one of my favorite songs being played!

We got there kind of early and while we were waiting I looked through some of the pictures on my mom's phone. She had some decent ones that she'd never shared with me (because she never shares pictures with me 😭) so I sent them to myself, and now, here they are.

This was the evening of John's graduation.

John and Ayden's paparazzi brigade at their graduation party

Kat, Jennifer, me, and my cousin Lisa at John's party

I think my mom was trying to take a picture of just me and Lisa, but she didn't zoom in very well. πŸ˜†

With Sam in Hershey Gardens in August

Thanskgiving with my sons πŸ’–

So those were some fun little blasts from the fairly recent past to look through as we waited for the concert to start. It was an excellent evening, one of the best of the season. Thank you Lindsey Stirling!