Friday, June 26, 2020

Looking Back and Looking Forward

Things That Made Me Happy in June

Frankie Drake Mysteries, a fun mystery show set in 1920s Toronto with a ladies' private detective agency

Getting together with friends and family again

Making smores with our fire pit, including some unique and delicious ones with peppermint patties and peanut butter (not together!)

Getting a generator

Blooming roses and other pretty flowers around the yard

Beecham House, a new period drama show on PBS that I'm enjoying

Floating around the pool on my favorite tube 

Consistently warm temperatures

Going out to eat again

My growing vegetable plants. The garden is working!

Things I'm Looking Forward to This Summer

Harvesting my own vegetables

Going to the Cape for the sixteenth summer in a row

Going to the beach and enjoying the fresh sea breezes and salt water

Going to Nantucket for a few days for my birthday

Beginning a new decade of life

Getting professional massages again

Reading books. I always love reading but I think I love it most during the lazy and relaxed days of summer.
This is my last blog post until mid-August. I always take at least half the summer off from blogging. Dry your eyes! 😂 I'll be back with my ramblings and randomness before you know it! Stay safe and healthy and have a great summer! 🌞