Thursday, December 14, 2023

November 2023 Randoms

 November was a particularly busy month with work, travel, and Thanksgiving, so I didn't take as many pictures. This isn't a bad thing. πŸ˜„ Plus I got the whole month done in less than two weeks here on the blog! 

I googled John and found him on SVU's wrestling roster. Cool!

A few days after that, I got a special text from him:

And for my other son, I sent him this picture about Six Flags and Cedar Fair combining forces. For years, we've talked about the possibility of this happening. Sam is interested in going into engineering to design roller coasters and/or into business to help run a theme park empire (like the new one below).

I want this!

I went to an Emergency Preparedness Training that my stake did and it was really good. 
I think they should do this every year, and that many more members should go than currently do. We know that we're living in tumultuous times before the Savior's return and we need to be prepared in every way that we can. I'm glad that, thanks to my dad's encouragement, I've been a prepper for the last ten years. I'm not nearly as good as some people (like the amazing guy who gave the presentation above who I now want to be BFFs with), but I think I have a pretty solid foundation and understanding of what goes into it.

With my sister's help, I'm going to learn how to do this yoga move next year. 
This is one of my goals for 2024. Hopefully I'll do it without fracturing my nose. πŸ‘ƒ (Although it could be an improvement because I don't like my nose! 😝)

Speaking of yoga, I'm thinking about doing this program at Kripalu in February when Sam isn't with me during Winter Break. I've wanted to try snowshoeing for years and I have a nice pair of snowshoes from L.L.Bean that I've never used. Plus, it's Kripalu and yoga!
My question is, what will they do if there's no snow on the ground? I haven't been impressed with our New England winters the last few years. Overall, they've been kind of a bust when it comes to snow!

I love my walks in the woods. 😍

I'm a big fan of house slippers, and I have my eye on this pair for when my current pair bites the dust. Or maybe before that for some variety. πŸ˜‰

I saw this cool LED owl at Target and I liked it but didn't buy it. A picture sufficed!